
LOVE- "Em & Dex, Dex & Em"

Let's talk about LOVE- I love the Love (who doesn't).. it breaks my heart when someone is saying that they have never been in love. I can't believe that. Not the tickling feeling in the stomach? Noo?? I "fall in love" soo easy, I more or less always have a crush on someone (can be a cute guy at Coop or the guy who made me laugh the other week..). But of course I know that is not the BIG love. But still the feeling of being in love- soo nice! When I fall in love badly I get scared (i think) or I think I'm in love with the "love" and not in the person, does that make any sense for you guys? That I'm in love with the LOVE.
And yes I do know that I have commitment problems (Grass is always greener on the other side?) and that I make up all those crazy excuses not to be in a relationship. But I will change that- i will throw myself out there and try it, maybe I get hurt- but so be then. (I'm not making any promises, but I do want my man ;) )

Let's talk about another LOVE: Em & Dex Love!

It's from the book One Day. So all you who haven't read it yet, you can stop reading now- OR START READING IT!
You might not get it? All this Em and Dex bla bla bla..
(don't say I didn't warn you..)

"Em and Dex, Dex and Em" I think we all have an Em or a Dex or we are one of them.

Em and Dex are friends that love eachother very much and belongs together BUT just Not Right Now, their time is maybe in a couple of years maybe next week (or maybe it will never happen) it's just   Not    Right    Now.. Sad- yes!

But if you are a Dex or are in love with a Dex "he" needs his time to play(?), cannot make up his mind, maybe the grass is greener on the other side? But Dex will always have you near him and he will always need you.

Em on the other hand is in love with Dex but is patience and is his bestfriend forever and ever (almost..) And holds his hand when he needs to cry about a girl, that she always wish she was..and so on.. you get the picture- you have read the book!

You know they are good for eachother and that they do match.

These two will always try their best to be "bestfriend" with the new boyfriend/girlfriend with the others new partner- they try hard but sometimes it's "killing" them..

I am an Em and also a Dex, it's different with different guys... And I know exactly my friends "Ems and Dex".
(..still reading? start with the book instead!)
Regarding the End of this book, I almost stopped reading it- THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN!!
It was killing me. My entire body hurt.
It's like the movie "P.S I love you", I have not finished that movie. It's horrible and I don't ever want to see it again. I cried and cried and I had to turned it off. My heart was hurting bad... AUCH!

So back to One Day and Em and Dex (before the end of the book.. )

I hope that someday and believe that "Em and Dex" will be "Em & Dex, Dex & Em".. because we need them- I need them, I need my Ems and my Dex..And I need the Big Love.
(..i told you so...!)

God, I'm writing a book again.. Sorry for all this love-blablabla ;)

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