
Happy birthday to me?

Thank you baby!!!! Miss K gave me an early birthday present!!

Friday oufits

I have been taking pictures of two outfits each of them on a Friday..dressed up and chilled- totally diffrent.
Todays outfit- black, black, black..

Outfit 2 weeks ago, washed out jeans, pink tank top and beige jacket..

Webcam became elevator..

My weekly webcam pics is now change to weekly elevator pics, I´m loving it. This one is from yesterday.

Goood morning!!

Soon weekend, just some hours left- let´s get on it!


Thursday 29/10-11

Yesterday me and Miss just felt like laying on the sofa, chips and dip for dinner and a movie so that's what we did.
We watch the movie "Thor", don't see it.. Only good thing was that Thor look like Brad Pitt..

I got a haircut yesterday, I hate to cut my hair.. But is better now.
My hair dresser had the longest nails ever- I'm kind of impressed with people who has that long nails(not that I would never have it, or think it looks good..), how can they function in normal life? Hahaha..but seriously just typing on the computer? Phone? Whip your ass?

On the train on my way home now, first time it was delayed since I start working in Zug. 8 whole minutes- OMG! Not ok..



My first elevator pic, leaving the office, loving it ;P

Had such a great Sunday.
Beautiful day, warm, so shorts and sunglasses on!
Went to Bonnie after V, B and Swea left. After that I met up with Erin at Opus had probably the last glass of rose wine for this year. Miss K and Charlie came as well and so did Kristoffer, Erins man.

Erin had to leave for work, we others stayed for another glass. We got hungry and crossed the river for some Italian food at La Terrazza. Kristoffer left us after dinner and we went to Legends for a last one. Good Sunday!



Friday night Vera, Bernd and Swea took the car to CH land. (1.5 h drive)
Miss K did a 3 course dinner, very nice!
Saturday we were up early, sometimes you come home that time :P
We had a big breakfast and after that 5 people was gonna get ready with just one bathroom.. I say no more.
We went down to the city, did the market, and of course we had thai food for lunch!
After lunch it was time for a drink in the sun, we went up to Montana and it was crazy hot.. No shadow.. Had a quick drink, went on to Picks instead. There we were abit tired so we had to go home for a power nap (1h?!).
It was an early night. V and B went to bed before 23 so I joined the others at Suite for one. Was home in bed around 00.30. Feeling great this lovely Sunday! What to do today? FCL plays tonight, maybe going to that. But right now I think its time for a boat trip!


They have arrived!

Almost like a Swedish summer

We are soon in October and we still gonna have around 20 degrees, me like!

Hat day!

After work yesterday I had a small beer with Bonnie and I got a hat (everyone got a hat), Guinness worldwide celebration something..? Miss came and picked me up and we went to coop for some serious shopping.
Finally at home it was time to clean up the mess (which wasn't really a mess).. Now everything is nice and shiny just the way we like it.


Hello friend?!

Hello scary flash!!

Me yesterday with a crazy flash..hello orange top and blue eyes!

So, thursday done! Have to do some cleaning today, tomorrow I probably don't have time for that.. Should iron my shirts as well- sounds like a fun night!

Wed- almost there..

Yesterday after work I met up with Bonnie and Mike. Had a beer at PW then we went to look at an apartment for Mike. Beautiful view! And great apartment.
After that we headed to Billys for a few.

Only two more days of work now- I'm longing for the weekend! My sister, Bernd and Swea is coming tomorrow, really looking forward!


I´m (soon) with wardrobe!

I have finally bought a wardrobe, now my (lovely) collection of dresses will be safe in a big PAX.
I´m picking it up next weekend..Miss K has also both a big wardrobe so we might need some strong friends to help us carry them up the stairs! (Let us know if you are free ;) )


My new friends- love them!
We already have been out several nights and we had so much fun :P no one got hurt either ;)



I thought my body was gonna hurt really bad today but no, not that bad at all. Thank god..

It was sofa time when we got back yesterday. Movie, pizza, chips and candy.

View from the balcony last night, beautiful light!


Saturday 17/9-11. Hike and Warrens Birthday!

Hike from Engelberg to Melschee- Frutt. Hiking, rowing and a turist train!

Warrens 40s birthday party. Friends, drinks, food, bunk beds, fire, dancing, cake!

Steady breakfast

On the way to the train

We are so ready!

Thea in action

We deserved a beer!

Frutti train!

On the way up to the cabin.

Birthday boy

The cake!

Sunday, the small hike down to the station.

I think this pic says it all how we felt on Sunday.