
London part 1

London part 1, (Friday)

Let's start the book now ;)

Friday at 11.10 am we- (6 of the 9 girls) Me, Kristin (aka Miss K), Erin (Bride to be), Bonnie (Can be Conny sometimes ;) ), Tammie (Miss Rugby), Thea (Miss Planner), took the train to Zurich airport. A lot of "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, OMG, iiiiiiiiiiiiii, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" when we met at the trainstation, hehe.

On the train we popped a bottle of rosé champagne and let Erin know the destination for the weekend, more "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-OMG!!!"

Checking in and everything went smooth, or we had some fights with the Swissies in the line- but that's normal here right?! "Stupid American...."

Thea had speedy boarding and saved us some nice seats in the plan. Sleasyjets at its best! Of course she had some trouble with the same lady, that had an opinion about everything, as Erin had.

We landed safely in the fog around 2.30 pm.

When we came out from Luton airport and was gonna jump on the train to London, some (idiot) had stolen the copper cable so no trains were going... We had to take a shitty bus..it was dirty...disgusting. It started out just great ;P But we got the front seats and was happy anyway. (We had eachother!!!)

Out on the motorway, the front door of the bus opens!!??? (Please say that you're thinking- WTF?!- cause we did!!) WTF?! The bus driver is trying to close the door with one hand and drive with the other, when this is happening we're driven maybe 80-90 km/h and he is trying to overtake another bus as well. I think we were screaming a bit?

Thea later ask the bus driver if this is "normal" and if this is happening alot? He's respond: No, has never happened before, but please put you seat belts on.

Some panic in the seat next to me when Miss K can't get the seat belt up, but after 17 times of trying it worked.

We got a nice little sightseeing of the countryside from the bus, we need to think positive! And after one hour (?) we had to change to the train. Which was crowded but ok..

We arrived at the Youth Hostel (St Paul) around 6 pm, ladies if i'm wrong please correct me. Tired and dirty.. we bought some beers and took it up to the room, 10 beds. 9 of us- poor lady who stayed in the 10th bed ;P

We had reservation at the Champagne bar Vertigo 42. So we took the tube there, went through the security and up to the 42nd floor. AMAZING view! I love London!

Ordered a bottle of champagne and some lovely snacks to it.

After Vertigo it was time for some dinner, we're suuuper hungry. Miss K wanted Indian Curry and the rest of us were up for it! Thea showed the way to the Curry's.

Beer and Curry and i think we're all satisfied. We went to buy some drinks/more bubbles (Or actually we did that before the dinner-I now remember) for the arrival of the rest of the girls; Amy, Aine and Alex.

Next stop- Village Underground. Thea had some friends who had this old tubes made in to offices on the roof of the place. Very cool! We were all super impressed!

Walking there we found some cool bars and a party we would have like to crash but no- we're not on the list..

On the roof of Village Underground the clock turned 11.11 (11.11.11) Cheeeeeeeeeeeers! More bubbles!

Inside of the tube- more bubbles!

Finally the rest of the girls shows up! More hugging and screaming "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-OMG!!!" and more bubbles!

Me and Miss K was dead (me from nothing feeling well/been sick earlier that week and Miss K had a hangover) left the party around 1-2 am, took a cab back to the hote..ooops sorry, hostel and went to bed. I took a shower first soo nice!

Around 3-4 am the other girls comes back to the hostel. Very quiet for having drinks all night I most say! Around 4.30ish am Bonnie pokes on my shoulder- Emeli- are you awake?? (Hmmm) Yes Bonnie, how are you? Do you have a lighter? Ehm, yes I do- but what are you gonna use it for? (hehe i love that I asked her that?) Eh-light a cigarette?! Oh yeah right. Well let me get up and get it for you i have to go to the toilet anyway. So of she goes to smoke a cigarette and around 5ish i think everyone was in bed sleeping/snoring.

End of part 1.

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