
I go to bed at a "good time" and love trees....

I had a really good weekend. Maybe I didn't get as much sleep as I was hoping for, but that's fine- It's only a 3 days working week for me anyway- SWEDEN HERE I COME (Thursday).
Friday I went out with friends for some drinks. First I had some wine with Tammie and the best view of Luzern... went down to Billys for one, continued to Picks, went to Stadt Keller and played some music on the jukebox, ended the night with pizza. As I always say: It was a great night!
Saturday me and Bonnie went for the usual thai lunch. And then we decided to go to Pilatusmarkt and do some shopping. Maybe not the best idea when you're hangover/very tired (and wants ice cream badly...) but we did it and we came back with some good stuff! Then I had a dinner at my place, vino, chicken, asparagus, story telling and singing. All you need right? Ended the night (early actually or at a "good time" haha..) at Madeleine wishing Ahmed happy birthday!
Sunday it was BBQ-girls-night at Bonnie's place, my plan was to go home quite early but ended up staying until midnight- of course!
Realized this weekend that I'm obsessed with trees, can't stop talking about them..very strange...

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