


Bye bye bottles

Starting my first day off with recycling- glamorous! Surprising my lovely wife. (Its still not all but half anyway :P)

Stacia has left da house

Yesterday was Stacia last day in Switzerland-Luzern. :( I'll miss her a lot! But it ain't goodbye just see you later!
She and Bonnie run the Luzern-marathon, half-marathon and 8k. WOW- i'm so proud and impressed! (Maybe next year I do the 8k-who is with me?? ;P )
We had some goodbye drinks at Picks, and I thought that we should have some moustaches for that- "spice it up" a bit.. he he. Well of course it was a success :)
I found them in the Fasnacht store on Sat-when me and Miss K where searching for outfits for the upcoming Bday-party!

We didn't go out Friday so we where fit for fight on Saturday, had breakfast at home just chilling then we went for some seconhand hunting. We didn't found any outfits for the party but we did find some accessories.
We also walk by Grottino-anyone knows if it still is open?
We met up with Bonnie and Staica and had some thai-food for lunch. Then they all went to the gym. I met up with Erik at picks and we had a pint or two.. Lev and Jeff came by as well. After that we headed to Tony's for some more drinks and we ended the night at Billys and I was home just after midnight.


Girls- raclette- dinner

Yesterday we were a bunch of girls invited to Bonnie and Stacia for some raclette.
A lot of laugh, a lot of crazy dancing, a lot of wine and cheese of course. Some tears as well- Stacia is leaving us on Monday.. :( A neighbour that thought we were a bit too loud, invitation to a Swiss Xmas party n the other side of the street- well it was a good night!
I was super tired the whole day but got some energy in the end.

Had a good and busy day but now it´s HOLIDAYS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!


Dinner and drinks

Yesterday is was the final day of the audit, we did very good, so "celebration" dinner at Domus in Zug was in order. Very nice dinner, I had lamb and a lovely amarone wine (with all the men I was the one who got to choose the wine- me like!)
After dinner we went to Picks for one who turned in to two, I ran to my train, made it! And in Luzern it was time for Bdays drinks for Ben at Pacifico.
A good night!
I'm actually exhausted today, maybe a little hangovered as well..

Tonight is racelette-girls-dinner at Bon bon!


Too early..

On the train- on my way to work.
Busy day that's why I take this early train..

And oh yeah! Happy birthday to ERIN today!!!!!!




Friday night- I'm home on the sofa doing nothing... very nice indeed.
Tomorrow I'm gonna try to find some outfits for the Mad Men birthday party. And also go to the football game, FC Luzern- Neuchatel (NE Xamax)- fun fun!

I think I always say this but wow- this week went fast. Only one week left then I have holidays!

Well well I'm soon gonna go to my bed and continue reading Ozzy's book, I borrowed it from Boonie and it's really funny and interesting.



Inviations are out, so I hope I'll see all of you there- 5th of Nov-save the date- it's going to be a hell of a PARTY!

Mad Women go Mad Men!

Come and celebrate Emeli's and Thea's Birthday, come dress to impress- the sky is the limit as long as it´s MAD MEN theme!


Some drink and snacks will be provided along with the theme, but feel free to bring whatever you feel like.
Let's get on it!